How to create a new school

Create your school in seconds on cloudnotte

Once you are on this page, kindly fill in the information about your school. It doesnt take more than 1 Minute to finish this process.

Name of your school: (This will be the name of your school in full).

School phone number: (Please use only school phone number and not personal phone number).

School Email address: (Email address should be different from your Signup email for security purposes).

Country: (The country where the school is located in, if the school has branches in different countries, kindly use the Headquater as the country).

State: The state of which the school is in.

City: The city where the school is located.

School address: (School Address should be the accurate and detailed because of search engine visibility).

School Prefix: (School prefix is short name used to identify your school, and it will be used as your subdomain on Cloudnotte).

Note: School prefix should not be more than 12 characters long, so as to make it easier for people to visit your school.

Click on continue to proceed to school configuration.

  • Select your school type. eg. if its a Private, public, unity, or any college.

  • School Curriculum.

  • School category.

  • School Motto.

Click on the finish Setup button to complete school Setup.

Last updated