How to setup exam on Cloudnotte
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Setting up an exam is the most beautiful part of Cloudnotte CBT, because it gives you the full flexibility to manage your exams.
Firstly, ensure that you have created an exam group. An exam group is only created by an admin.. Click here to learn how to create an exam group.
The image below is an illustration of when an exam group has already been created
You can filter an exam group based on session, term and class the exam group is for.
Click on the view on the exam group you want to setup an exam for.
Once you click on view, you select the class you want to setup exam for.
Note: As a teacher you can only see classes thats assigned to you.
Click on a class and proceed.
Once you have clicked on Proceed, you will be taken to the next page that allows you select subject and other useful details you need for the exam.
Click on Setup New Exam
Select the subject you wish to setup exam for and proceed. The subject will then be selected and you can then configure the exam subject
From the subject selected, you setup the following configuration for the exam:
Number of Questions: This is the number of questions you want students to answer when writing exam
Total marks for the exam: This is the total marks for the exam subject
Start date and time: When the exam is expected to start
End date and time: When the exam is expected to end
Duration: How long can a student write the exam. E.g 30 mins
Instructions: Instructions the students will need to read before starting the exam
Select students that can write the exam: If you want some specific students to write the exam only
Shuffle exam question: You want questions to be different for each students, e.g No 1 can be No 7 for another student.
You can select numbers of questions you want students to answer by clicking on view under the Number of questions table below.
Once you click on view, a dialogue of your question bank will display on your screen.
Use the check box to select the question you want or you can use the select all button.
You can also filter questions for a specific session, term and question section by clicking on the filter icon close to the search box.
Note: You can edit a question from here and also add a new question by clicking on the rounded plus button at the bottom floating.
after you have selected the questions you wish to use, a proceed to review button showing you the total number of questions you selected will display at the bottom of the screen.
Proceed to review takes you to the Review section where you need to review that the questions you selected is the appropriate one.
Once you are okay with the questions, you can proceed to setup (The button below)
After you have finished configuring the other informations, Click on the create button to publish the exam for that subject so the students can write it.
Once you create the exam, you will alerted that the exam has been published successfully.
Note: You always edit and save again just incase you made a mistake.